Friday, July 3, 2009

A Night of Fireworks and Romance in the Life of the Mac-Attack

In 1776, many brave men decided it would be fun to risk their lives by creating their own country. 233 years later, we celebrate these bad-ass Patriots with hot dogs, fireworks, and movies starring Tom Cruise as a crippled Vietnam veteran.

I remember last 4th of July. Ben and I went over to the Marriot. I'll tell you, those vacation girls really know how to show a guy a good time. I still have my fake business card: Chuck Harrison, Businessman. Good times, good times.

Well, this year, I wouldn't be using any fake names or business cards, for I would be spending the evening on the beach with the beautiful Laura. I've been seeing her for a couple weeks; she's a lot of fun to be around.

I just knew that this 4th of July would be one of the best I'd ever had. I've always loved this holiday and all of its traditions. I was thinking about it as my Grandma made some pancakes for Ben and I.

"So I got a call from Ariel Woods the other day."

Ariel Woods is this girl from USY who lives in Vegas. I don't think she's much of a looker, but Ben seems to see something in her that no one else does. They've been known to hook up on a few occasions, but not since Freshman year, so it was kinda random.

"That's kinda random."
"She's in town from Vegas visiting her aunt and uncle."
"I haven't seen her since Convention last year. I wonder if she looks any different."
"See for yourself."
"Okay...oh, wow."

I can't say I'm too surprised that Ben would brag to me about recieving a nude picture on his phone. I also can't say I'm too surprised that Ariel's appearance didn't change much. She still had the owl-like eyes and the fish-like lips. She also had the same curly black hair that she always had. However, she did get her braces off, so that was a plus for Ben.

"I told her that you and I are in town and I invited her to watch the fireworks with us on the beach. Kinda like a double-date, except my date won't look like Ugly Betty."
"She'll look like Ugly Something," I said under my breath.
"I said that it would be fun if you guys hung out with Laura and I tonight."
" you think I could borrow one of those condoms your grandma got for you?"
"It's funny you should ask, Benjamin."

My grandma walked in with a huge plate of pancakes.

"I bought you your own. Use them wisely."
"Wow, thanks Mrs. Maccabbi!"
"Now you two enjoy your breakfast."
"Uh, thanks, Grandma."

Grandma left the kitchen and turned on the TV, presumably to watch reruns of Murder She Wrote.

"Dude, you're grandma is the COOLEST!"
"You're really gonna swipe your V-Card with Ariel Never-Given-Any-Guy-Wood?"
"She gave ME wood!"

I gave my best friend a very weird look.

"Anyway, what about you? Is tonight gonna be the night for you and Laura?"
"I think so, she's been hinting at it."

She had been. For instance, when we were having dinner the other night, we heard someone order a Sex on the Beach. Laura commented this by saying:

"Now that's a drink that sounds good to me."

You gotta love a girl who knows how to talk dirty.

As Ben and I finished our pancakes, I figured I should call home. I hadn't talked to my parents all week.


It was my sister Tara. I hadn't talked to her since I left.

"Well if it isn't my long-lost brother."
"Tara, I've been gone for a month. I'd hardly call myself long-lost."
"That doesn't compensate for the pain inside! All I've wanted all month is to talk to my brother! Do you ever think of anyone but yourself???"

She can be a little dramatic at times. I swear, her and my younger brother JT must be clones or something. They act the same, talk the same, shop at the same stores, and even look for the same qualities in guys!

"I'm, uh, sorry?"
"Oh, I forgive you. Afterall, we can't hold grudges in this family, can we?"
"I guess not?"
"So what have you been up to?"
"Not a whole lot. Kinda started seeing this girl while I've been here. Ben's also been here."
"Great, awesome, fabulous. Do you want to hear about how good I'm gonna look tonight?"
"Do I have a choice?"
"I'm going out with this guy from the shul. Dad set me up with him; he's a lawyer!!!"
"Oh, Dad set you up on a date. He's never done that for me."
"Well, unlike you, I'm not a whore!"

Tara began laughing about the fact that she just called me a whore. I wasn't sure if she was joking. Every time I talk to my family, I seem to be reminded that they all have this very negative opinion on my bachelor-like lifestyle.

So after about ten minutes of hearing my sister talk about herself, I was able to get off the phone and head over to Laura's house. I was hoping she'd want to take a walk; we'd been doing a lot of walking since we started hanging out.

"Hey, beautiful," I said as I entered her house through the back door.
"Hey, Mac. How are you?"
"I'm excited for tonight."
"Yeah, me too. There's gonna be some great fireworks over here tonight. You're gonna love them!"
"I'll bet."

I looked at her for a minute.

"What's up?"
"You are so beautiful."
"Well, obviously."

She looked at me and we started laughing. Have you ever kissed someone in the midst of laughing? It's pretty great.

"So is Ben joining us tonight?"
"Yes, actually. He has a date as well."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. Ariel Woods is her name; he hasn't hooked up with her in a couple years, so it'll be fun for him."
"Is she better for him than Gertrude was?"

Gertrude was Laura's cousin. On Ben's first night in Malibu, we decided it might be a good idea to set him up with her; bad idea.

"Well, Ben seems to think she is."
"Good, We'll definitely have a great time tonight."

I could suddenly hear in Laura's tone of voice that something was bothering her.

"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be okay?"

She was now sounding defensive.

"Are you sure? You seem to be holding something back."
"I'm fine, Mac!"

I could tell that she wasn't fine. I looked at her for a minute.

"I wanna be with you tonight."
"Well, you'll be watching the fireworks with me. We'll be together."
"I mean, I want to be with you tonight."

I suddenly knew what she was talking about.

"Laura, there's nothing that I'd like more."

We kissed. Suddenly, she seemed to be back to normal. I guess girls have strange mood swings sometimes.

I decided to go for a quick run before heading back to my grandma's place. The sight I walked in on made me wish I had ran for a little longer.

"Oh, Mac, you're home! You remember Ariel."

You have no idea how much I wanted to die when I saw Ben laying on my grandmother's couch with a blotchy, half-naked Ariel laying on top of him.

"Hi, Mac-Attack!"

Her voice sounded like that of a cartoon mouse.

"Uh, hey."

I began to think about the Greek King Oedipus. I envied him, for he had the means to gouge out his eyes. Some bastards have all the luck.

"So how's Laura doing?"
"She's fine. Um, I'm gonna go lay down."

As soon as I started walking away, I heard the sounds of: "Now, where were we?" and "Right about here." As if that wasn't enough, I heard what could only be mistaken as a mouse squealing while being chased by a cat.


After avoiding the lovely couple for a little while, I decided to get dressed and head downstairs. Laura was already waiting for me with Ben and Ariel.

"Lookin sexy, babe."

She was wearing a white blouse, jeans, and flip-flops. I kissed her.

"We ready to go?"
"Yeah. You're gonna love tonight. It's amazing."
"So you've told me."
"Oh yeah, and bring your dancers' legs. There's gonna be some great music."

Dancing on the beach with a beautiful girl on the 4th of July. Does it GET any better than this?

The atmosphere was great. There were hot dogs being grilled, there were people playing beach volleyball, and there was some great music.

The highlight, of course, was the fireworks show. I even remember this one display of heart-shaped fireworks. There was nothing like sitting on the beach, holding hands with Laura. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced before.

The music came back on after the fireworks. The song was Kiss me Through the Phone by Solja Boy; I guess that's considered a slow one.

As we danced, I held her in my arms. As we heard the second chorus, she spoke:

"I'm going to Italy tomorrow. I'm gonna be there the rest of the summer."

I was stunned.

"Wow. That's, uh, that's something."
"I wish I didn't have to go. I feel like we just started; I don't want to leave you."

I tried to find the words to say. The truth is, I knew that it wasn't going to last any longer than the summer. I just didn't realize it would end so early. When I finally gathered my thoughts, I said to her:

"We're just gonna have to make the most of our last night together."

I looked at her and kissed her.

In the meantime, Ben and Ariel seemed highly occupied attempting to eat each others' faces.

"Hey, Ben, I think Laura and I are gonna get out of here. You gonna be okay?"

I have a feeling he didn't hear me. I figured it was probably a safe assumption to say that he would be just fine without me.

Laura and I got back to my grandma's place around 11:00. We went straight to my room.

We kissed for a little while before we started removing our clothes. Her skin was soft, her kisses were slow, and her body was warm. After we made love, I remember her falling asleep in my arms. However, when I woke up the next morning, she was no longer there. She was already dressed and about to leave.

"Good morning."
"Hey, sleepyhead."

There was a short silence as I sat up.

"Last night was--"
"You took the words right out of my mouth."

She kissed me.

"I'm gonna really miss you, Mac."
"I'll miss you too, Laura."

We looked at each other. I knew it would be the last time I'd see her for a long time.

"You take care of yourself."
"You too."

I've had to say goodbye to girls before, but somehow this was different. It was harder.

"This is really hard."
"I know."
"I want you to know that I won't forget you."

Suddenly her phone rang.

"It's my mom. I better get back to my house; I have to be at the airport in a couple hours."

As she walked out, I put some pants on and ran out onto the beach. I stopped her for a second and kissed her extremely passionately.

"I'll never forget you either."

She nodded her head and seemed to be fighting back some tears.

"I have to go. I'll see you around."

She gave me one last kiss and then walked off into the sunrise. As I watched her walk away, I thought about all the good times her and I had. I knew that I would forever think fondly of Laura Silverman. I also knew that our paths would cross again someday.

It's funny when you think of love stories. Most people think of the conventional love stories: Boy meets Girl, Boy gets Girl, Boy and Girl end up together at the end. I guess this was the rare love story that dared to be different. Maybe it was almost better because of that.


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