Monday, May 24, 2010

The Last Sermon in the Life of the Mac-Attack


This is what I said to myself as I handed my finished exam to my Economics teacher Mr. Bang on Friday.

"Congratulations, Michael. Oh, and I have this form for you."

He handed me a form that said "Senior Check-Out" on it. I looked at Mr. Bang, a little dumbfounded.

"What's this?"
"It's a Senior Check-Out do know about Senior Check-Out, don't you?"
"When did they announce this?"
"Principal Roberts held an assembly about it last Wednesday."

Last week...oh yeah, I faked sick last Wednesday to hang out with Melinda. It was kinda like being sick, though. It's not like we got out of bed during the day.

"How does this work, Mr. Bang?"
"You come in on Monday morning, you turn in your textbooks, and then you get all your teachers to sign this form proving you passed."
"Oh...I have to come in on my first Monday of freedom?"
"I'm afraid so. Let me make it a little easier on you; I'll sign your form right now."

He signed my form and indicated that I passed.

"Well, thanks."

I went back to my seat and looked at Ben.

"Can you believe this?"
"No...believe what?"

I showed him my Senior Check-Out form.

"Yeah, Mr. Roberts had an assembly about it last Wednesday."
"Okay, well I was having sex last Wednesday, so I didn't know about this!"
"Well, aren't you just lucky? Brag to me and the whole world about your sex life!"
"That wasn't the point of the statement. The point is that I wasn't here and I had no idea that we had to come in on our first Monday of freedom."
"You could've done Early Check-Out. You have back-to-back A's, don't you?"
"Yeah...when did they talk about Early Check-Out?"
"Last Wednesday, during the assembly."
"When was the deadline to sign up?"
"Damnit! What else did I miss?"
"Darrius Welker went streaking on the football field."
"He wanted to do something crazy."

"Clearly. What was his punishment."

"I'm not one's seen him since."

Suddenly, the bell rang and our last day of high school was over.

I rushed out to the parking lot to greet my beautiful girlfriend and complain about my current predicament.

"Did you know that we have to come to school on Monday?"
"I don't. I did Early Check-Out."
"What? How did you find out about it?"

"They mentioned it on the morning announcements...don't you watch the morning announcements?"
"Does anyone watch the morning announcements?"
"Apparently I do."
"I don't wanna come back here on Monday, Melinda? I mean, to quote the title of the Act I Finale of Footloose, I'm free!"
"Obviously not yet. Have fun on Monday...are we going out this weekend?"
"I can't. On Friday night, the synagogue is honoring my father for his service. In my opinion, it's their way of rubbing the fact that he's out of a job in his face."

"What about Saturday night?"

"I'm babysitting the twins. Do you wanna come along?"
"Sure. That'll be fun."

We kissed.

"I love you."
"I love you too."

We kissed again, got in our respective cars, and drove off.

I got home to find my father on the computer, frantically trying to find a new job.

"Hi, Dad."
"Michael, have you ever heard of the Hospice of the Valley?"
"Yeah. It's where people go to die."
"Do you think they might need a rabbi to say prayers for their Jewish patients?"
"Would it help to say prayers for them? I mean, for all intenses and purposes, the people are already dead!"

He gave me a very unammused look.

"Have you looked at anything that isn't in the Rabbinical field? I mean, you weren't always a rabbi. You still have a pretty good reputation from being a healthcare consultant."
"There's nothing out there. I mean, I could potentially reopen my old business, but I can't handle
all that travelling."
"Well, do you have any other ideas?"
"Yes. The movie theatre."
"Well, we could see movies for free."
"This isn't funny, Michael. I may have to get a job at the movie theatre if nothing else opens up. I just can't believe what they're doing to me. I knew that Rabbi Moon was trouble the minute I first saw him. It's as if they were planning my downfall the whole time."
"This really blows."
"Your mother is out as we speak trying to get a job of her own."
"She's never worked a day in her life, Dad."
"She's interviewing at the movie theatre."
"Maybe I ought to get a job there. Then we'll just be one big movie theatre family."
"No, no, no. I will not have my son trying to contribute to the household. That's not your responsibility. Plus, you already have a job. As far as I can tell, Rabbi Moon didn't fire you."
"You think I'm gonna work for the man that put you out of work?"

"I appreciate the loyalty, but this economy sucks. You'd be wise to just keep working where you are."
"I's not fair, is it?"
"Son, you'll soon learn that life isn't always fair. It's not usually fair. We've gotten a few really good breaks, but these things do happen. Your mother and I have a retirement fund that we may end up opening to try and stay afloat. It at least has enough to put you and Darrin through school."

"You'd use your entire savings to send Darrin and I to college?"
"If that's what it takes, Michael."
"Wow. Thanks."
"Your mother and I will be fine. Something will come up. I promise."

He gave me a look of encouragement and I was reminded exactly why he was such a good rabbi. My father had the ability to lift people up so high that they have to look down to see heaven. Whether it was the whole congregation, or just one person, he had the true gift that every rabbi needed. That was the profession that he was meant to have, and I knew at that moment that he
needed to do whatever he needed to do to stay in that line of work.

After the Shabbat dinner that night at the synagogue, I decided to get on my computer to do some research of my own as to what was open in the world of Jewish Jobs in Arizona. I immediately found a link that caught my attention:


I decided to take it upon myself to send my father's resume to Dr. Goldstein in hopes that it would do some good.

The next day, my father was scheduled to give his final sermon of his tenure at Temple Beth Zion. The congregation waited patiently for this moment. Not even my mother knew what would be said by the rabbi as he took the pulpit and began speaking.

"How does everyone feel about life right now?"

It was an interesting way to start a sermon. I couldn't tell if it was a rehtorical question or not.

"Don't be afraid to speak up. It's not a rhetorical question."

Well, now I could tell. The first to respond to the question was Mr. Arthur Horowitz, a rude and conceited old man.

"My life is crap right now, Rabbi!"
"Care to elaborate?"
"My kids won't speak to me because I spent their inheritance on a new motorhome for myself
and my 19 year old girlfriend. And then the girlfriend left me for some cowboy in Wyoming!"

It was obvious that my father didn't know how to answer the question, so he decided to turn Mr. Horowitz's selfish circumstances into humor.

"Well, Arthur, it sounds like you may need to talk to someone one-on-one."

There were a few chuckles from the congregation.

"Who else? How's everyone feeling about life?"

Mrs. Ruth Rosenthal raised her hand next.

"How are you feeling about life, Ruth?"
"Right now, everything is wonderful. My son and his wife just gave birth to thier third child. I'm going to be seeing them after shul today."
"Mazel Tov, Ruth. Okay, who else? Jerry, perhaps?"
This is where it got interesting. Jerry Sternberg was the one who fired my dad.

"I don't have too many complaints right now, Rabbi. My son Nate will be playing baseball this summer, and I'm gonna be coaching. So I'm very excited."
"Well, isn't it nice for your son to have such a dedicated father. I'm sure you're held in such high regard in your household, and why shouldn't you?"

I wondered if the rest of the congregation was able to pick up on the semi-sarcastic tone in my father's voice. I know I was, and I certainly know Jerry was.

"Does anyone care to know how I'm feeling about life right now?"

There were some nods from the crowd. However, this was obviously a rhetorical question.

"Life can be so very strange sometimes. One minute, everything seems to be going amazingly well. A man has success, a loving family, and plenty to celebrate. Then, when he least expects it, he feels the blade of a sword enter his back, stabbing him and leaving him helpless. The pain is as sharp as the sword itself, and all the man can think of is why this has happened to him. After all, he feels that he did nothing wrong. He betrayed no one, and yet he ended up being betrayed by someone who he wouldn't have ever expected. Possibly, someone who was somewhat an apprentice to him."

Rabbi Moon, the associate rabbi who helped put my father in his current position of unemployment, looked uncomfortable in his chair as he watched a true rabbi speaking the truth of a bad situation.

"The man proceeds to ask God why something like this would happen to such a loyal servant, for there was no reason to be wounded so suddenly and randomly. After lying on the ground, feeling the most excruciating pain he's ever felt before, the man suddenly has a revelation."

The congregation was listening intently, trying to figure out what my father was getting at.

"He realizes that there is always a reason for the things that happen. It's just not always clear. You see, the man, as most people do, thinks only of what he may have already done and not what he is meant to do later. Every man has his destiny, and some men know what this destiny is. However, they don't always get to choose how they get there. What the man in our story doesn't seem to realize at first is that he has a task that he must accomplish and that this stab to the back could very well be the first step into reaching his destiny."

He paused and took a drink of water.

"You may ask what it is that I'm talking about and who the man of the story is. Well, I'm going to answer it."

He took a deep breath, knowing that this next statement would cause a little bit of controversy within the shul.

"The man of the story is me, my friends. It is I who was recently stabbed in the back."

Suddenly, there was commotion all around. Only some people (particularly the syngagogue board) had known about the events that had recently surfaced.

"For those of you who don't know already, it is at this point that I announce that this will be my final Shabbat here at Temple Beth Zion. It was brought to my attention very recently that the termination of my contract would be in the best interest of the synagogue's future. I did my best to argue my case, but by the time I was told, the decision had already been made."

The commotion doubled. People were even booing. He raised his hand to get the congregation to settle.

"I tell you this, my friends, because ever since I began being mentored by Rabbi Barnes three and a half years ago, you have always come to me with the truth. It hasn't always been easy, but you were always honest with me. And now it is my turn to be honest with you. I must be honest and tell you that I feel so completely helpless. I feel as if I have been wronged by a certain someone who I once played golf with and drink beers with on a regular basis. I feel that I have been wronged by a man who I have been mentoring in recent months. This man is someone who I feel to be a poison to the community of Temple Beth Zion. A man who very obviously had a hidden agenda since the moment he was hired."

The congregation got riled up again, and continued to get more heated with every pause my father took.

"However, ladies and gentlemen--"

They were suddenly quiet.

"However, I feel that I cannot hold these two men responsible for what has recently happened to me. The truth of the matter is that if I was meant to continue to be your spiritual leader, then God would have made it so. I have no doubt in my mind that I am meant to be what I am, which is a rabbi. However, my time as your rabbi has very obviously come to an end. My hope is that my next opportunity will give me as much joy, if not more, than they joy you all have given me these past couple years. I thank God for every day that I spent in my office and every Shabbat that I spent standing at this pulpit. It was a wonderful time in my life, but now I know in my heart that it is time for me to move on. It is time for all of you to move on as well. I wish Rabbi Moon the very best of luck as he takes on the position of Senior Rabbi here at Temple Beth Zion. As he continues to learn the craft of the most wonderful line of work that there is, I sincerely hope you can all learn from him as well. I especially wish the best of luck to all of you as you continue to grow as people. We will now turn to the Musaf Service."

He stepped down from the Pulpit. As he turned his Siddur to the page of which the Musaf Service would begin, the sound of applause was heard by Mr. Horowitz of all people. This was followed by Mrs. Rosenthal. Mrs. Rosenthal also stood up as she began clapping, leading more people to follow suit. Within seconds, the entire congregation was standing and clapping, cheering for their favorite rabbi. My father held back tears as the applause continued to get louder and louder. It finally died down 10 minutes later. Moon and Sternberg were the only ones sitting, embarrassed and ashamed of themselves.

Immediately following the service, the two approached my father, walking him back into his office. My father sat down in his chair.

"Gentlemen, didn't you want something to eat? I understand that the Kiddish Luncheon is going to be very good today."
"What the hell was that, Al?"
"I'm confused as to what you're addressing, Jerry."
"Your sermon, asshole!"
"Oh, that."
"Why don't you explain, Rabbi?"
"The congregation deserved to know the truth of the situation."
"So you decided that the best way to do that would be to throw your colleague under a bus and change the entire world's view of him?"

My father stood up.

"I believe, Jerry, that the kettle is calling the pot black."
"Do you know how many members we're going to lose now, Al? Do you know what you have done to me?!?!"
"Joseph, Joseph, Joseph. I believe the real question is 'do you know what you have done to me'."
He began to walk out, with his head up high and his pride fully in tact.

"You'll never get away with this, Maccabbi!"

He looked back.

"It appears that I already have. The truth is out now. Have a great Shabbat."

He continued walking.

"Al Maccabbi, get your ass back in here!"

He didn't look back.

"You'll never have a job in this community again after your outburst! I swear on it!"

My father was finally out of earshot, sitting with us at the Kiddish Luncheon.

The rest of the weekend was relaxed for me. I had a great time babysitting my neice and
nephew with Melinda, and I spent the day on Sunday lounging around the house and watching basketball with my dad. I hadn't told him about the job opportunity that he may be hearing about.

It was on Monday, after I got home from Senior Check-Out, that I walked into my house to find my parents to be very happy, as if they were celebrating something.

"What's up?"
"Michael, have you ever heard of a Sheldon Goldstein?"
"Is he an accountant?"

I decided to play dumb, but I knew exactly what was going on.

"He's the head of Jewish Studies at ASU. He called about my resume."
"I didn't know you sent your resume to him."
"I didn't."
"Oh. Did you tell him that?"
"I didn't get a chance to."

There was a pause.

"The first thing he said to me was that he was offering me a job. He had seen my resume late Friday night and decided to go to shul and see me in person. He told me he had a lot of respect for my integrity and he felt that I would be a perfect candidate as an Ethics Professor."
"And a Hillel Rabbi!"
"Thank you, Shayna. Yes, I was also offered the job as Hillel Rabbi. So not only will I be teaching college students, I will be their spiritual leader. I will also get to work very closely with the students that run the Hillel, as I am now the sponsor of the organization."

It was then that my twin brother Darrin arrived at home, obviously returning home from Senior Check-Out himself.

"What did I miss?"
"Darrin, say hello to the new Hillel Rabbi at Arizona State University."
"I would, but I don't know who that is."

I knew that Darrin was just playing around. I could tell just by looking at the big smile on his face.

"This calls for a bottle of wine."

My mother poured each of us a glass of Manischewitz.

"Here's to a new opportunity."
"Here's to ASU."
"Here's to your integrity."
"Here's to you, Dad."
On that note, we drank and celebrated my father's new gig, an opportunity of a lifetime and one that I knew he would enjoy for a very long time.
As everyone celebrated of my father's future, I noticed that there was an envelope on the table addressed to me from United Synagogue Youth and Nativ. I knew that the answer to my future was sealed in that envelope. Without anyone noticing, I grabbed the envelope and opened it.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Birth in the Life of the Mac-Attack

"Labor Pains...happening...NOW!!!"

My sister Tara probably didn't anticipate how much it would hurt to give birth to twins. We all warned her that she should just do a C Section, which is what my mom had done for me and my twin brother Darrin 18 years ago.

"You should've done a C-Section, Tara, which is what I did when Michael and Darrin were born 18 years ago."
"You're not helping, Mom...AHHHH!!!"

Her husband Mark was doing what he could to try and help her...

"Don't worry, Tara, it'll be alright."
"This is your fault!!!

...but it seemed she didn't want the help.

This is what was happening as me and my girlfriend Melinda were on our way to the hospital to watch my sister deliver my first nephews. I was excited, but also a little annoyed because now Melinda and I wouldn't be able to go to our prom that evening.

"How far along is she?"
"My dad said her water broke an hour ago."
"That's exciting."
"My dad also said that she's in a lot of pain now."
"Oh my."
"So when we get there, we might wanna stay out of her way."

We arrived at the hospital where my parents, Darrin and our gay brother JT were waiting for us.

"Hi, how's she doing?"
"Her cervix dilated 4 centimeters."
"Um, ew. You couldn't have just said that she's doing fine?"
"Don't be so imm-a-ture about it, Michael. Childbirth is perfectly natural."
"Because you know so much about what's natural."
"Nothing. Don't worry about it."

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh, whatever, you two! I'm gonna go text Joshie!"
"Yes, because that will make us stop laughing."

He walked away.

"Why must you act that way toward your brother?"
"Because it's funny."
"I second that."
"You guys are so immature."
"You love me for it and you know it."

She kissed me. Suddenly, I noticed that my dad was standing in a corner all by himself.

"Mom, what's happening with Dad?"
"I don't really know. I'm assuming that he's just overwhelmed by the fact that he's going to be a grandfather after all is said and done."
"Shouldn't he be excited?"
"Oh, he is. I think he's just taking it in."

My mother couldn't have been more wrong about what was going on with my dad.

At the angle that he was standing at, we couldn't tell that he was reading e-mail on his phone. The e-mail was from Jerry Sternberg, the president of Temple Beth Zion.

We need to meet as soon as you recieve this e-mail.
There are many important things that we must discuss.
Jerry Sternberg

It wasn't until we all saw him pick up his phone and walk outside that we knew something was up.

"Jerry, I can't meet with you right now. My daughter is in labor and--"
"This can't wait, Rabbi."
"Well, what is it?"
"We need to meet now, Rabbi. Can we come to the hospital?"
"Okay, fine, if you must...we?"
Sternberg hung up, leaving my father puzzled and paranoid about what was about to happen.

"I'm sure everything is fine, Michael."

I looked at my father as he reentered the hospital.
"I wouldn't be so sure, Mom."

The next thing I knew, I got a call from Ben, my best friend.
"Mac, where the hell are you? I'm at prom without a group!"
"Shit, dude. I'm sorry. It's just that Tara is in labor and Melinda and I had to head straight to the hospital."
"Well, prom is pretty lame so far. Do you want me to come over there?"
"Nah, it's all good. You paid for the ticket and everything; you might as well make good use of it." "There's literally over a hundred single women here, Mac...and I don't want a single one of them!"
"Have you not heard from the Jerusalem University for American Students yet?"
"Not a single word...what if they didn't get my application???"
"I'm sure they got it, Ben, and I'm sure that you'll get in. However, for the time being, just try to have fun at your senior prom. Do it for all three of us."
"Alright, I'll try."

We hung up and I rejoined the rest of my family and Melinda.
"What was that all about?"
"It's Ben. He isn't having fun at prom because we're not know, Melinda, if you wanna just go to prom, I wouldn't be offended."

Melinda kissed me.
"I'm staying right here."
"Well, I won't argue with that."

We kissed again, more passionately this time.
Just then, Mark came out and addressed the family.

"Five centimeters. We're getting closer."
"That's great, Mark! I'm gonna text Joshie and tell him!"
"Uh, you do that. Thank you for your enthusiasm."
"You don't look so good, man."
"Have you ever seen what it looks like down there while a woman is in labor?"
"I've never seen what it looks like down all."
"Well, it's pretty gruesome."
"I'm gonna be sick."

Meanwhile, my dad was in the cafeteria awaiting Jerry Sternberg and the tribunal.

"Hello, Rabbi."
"Hi, Jerry. Sit down."
He noticed that there was no one there besides Jerry.

"I thought you said 'we' when you and I spoke on the phone."
"I did."
"Hello, Rabbi Maccabbi."

Rabbi Joseph Moon had been the associate rabbi at Temple Beth Zion since January. To be honest, I never did like the guy and I was constantly suspicious of his motives.

"Okay, what's this all about?"
"Maybe we should eat something first."
"I'm not hungry, Jerry. My grandchildren are being born right now and I'm not sure I need this."
"Oh, you need this."

It was silent as Rabbi Moon had a smile very similar to that of Stanley Kowalski from "A Streetcar Named Desire".

"Okay, what the hell is going on here?"
"As you know, Rabbi, you're contract is up for review next month."
"Yes, I'm well-aware."
"Well, we've put a lot of thought into this, and the board has decided that your contract won't need to be reviewed after all."
"Okay, so that just means that everything in the contract stays the same...right?"
"Not exactly, Al."
"Wait--are you firing me?"
"We just feel it's best that--"
"You call me the night that my daughter gives birth to my first grandchildren, and you come to the hospital that they're being born, and you have the nerve to fire me?"
"Not fired...laid off."
"You don't understand. I have two sons that are about to be in college. My wife doesn't work."
"It's in the best interest of the congregation, Rabbi."
"It's in the best interest of the congregation to have this man-child be their only spritual leader?"
"You still have acne, son."
"Okay, now just calm down."
"I will not calm down. This is not fair."
"And it's not fair for the congregation to be shelling out hundred of thousands of dollars between two men when the duties of a rabbi can be performed by one."
"That's what I told you when you hired this clown!"
"Well, we didn't anticipate the economy being in such turmoil."
"The economy has been in turmoil since 2007!"
"There will be no further discussion. Your final Shabbat with us is next Saturday. You will have all your personal things out of your office by next Tuesday."
"You have yourself a wonderful night, Rabbi."

My father would later describe the look on Rabbi Moon's face as a look of satisfaction, as if he had won a long battle.

Back in the waiting room, Mark announced to us that Tara dilated another centimeter.
Afterwards, Melinda walked me over to the corner.

"Question for you: how many empty hospital rooms do you think there are here?"
"Empty hospital rooms?"
"This may sound weird, but just because we're not at prom, it doesn't mean we can't have sex on prom night."
"Melinda, let me get this correctly: are you suggesting that we have sex in a public venue?"
"We never have before."
"This is true."
"So, do you wanna?"
"Yes...what should we tell my family?"
"That we're getting food from the cafeteria."
"Sounds like a plan."

I walked over to my mom.

"Mom, I'm gonna go to the cafeteria with Melinda."
"I think you're father is in there, Michael. Will you check on him?"
"Do I have to?"
"You're gonna be in there anyway."
"Okay, fine."

I walked back over to Melinda.

"So now I actually have to go to the cafeteria."
"Find a room, text me the number, and I'll be there shortly."

We kissed.

"I'll be waiting."
I then headed down to the cafeteria to find my dad, who was sitting at a table sulking.

"Oh. Hello, son."
"Mom wanted me to check on you."
"She did?"
"Yeah. Is everything alright?"
"No, not really."
"Talk to me. What's up?"
"You really wanna know?"

I then got the text from Melinda saying that she was waiting for me in room 570.

"I was fired, Michael."

Way to kill my buzz.
"Jerry Sternberg, along with Rabbi Moon, came by to tell me that I've been fired, or laid off, or terminated. Whatever the hell they call it."
"Wow. That's heavy."
"You think? How am I supposed to break this to your mother, Michael? She hasn't had to work in years!"
"Are there no other jobs?"
"Another shul, perhaps?"
"Not without leaving Phoenix, and I can't leave Phoenix. Your sister is here, my two grandchildren will be there, and your younger brother has a boyfriend now! I can't very well seperate young love, can I?"
"No comment."
"I just don't understand it. I've been a loyal patron to that shul for more than 20 years! I just became the rabbi two years ago, but that's more than I can say for the acne-faced child that's gonna be taking over the pulpit!"

I texted Melinda: "You're gonna hate me for this: I'm talking with my dad right now and won't be up there for a while. We'll have to hook up later."

"Sounds like you got screwed, Dad."
"More than I ever thought I could be by my own people. I mean, I gave and gave and gave to that congregation. I have no idea what I'm going to do."

It was then that I got a text from Melinda saying: "It's just as well...I just got kicked out of the room anyway! haha."

"I wish I could help, Dad...what am I going to do about school now?"
"It'll get figured out. Things always have a way of turning around in this family. Go be with the family. I'll be up shortly."
"Okay, Dad."
"And Michael?"
"Have you thought any more about Nativ? There's no better way to spend your first year of college than in Israel."

I nodded.
"I don't disagree with you. We'll see how it all plays out."

I went back upstairs, where Melinda was having an intense conversation with JT about eyeliner.

"You can't have too much. There's this girl at my school that looks like a raccoon!"
Just then, Mark came out and made the announcement.

"10 centimeters! The babies are coming! I'm about to be a dad!!!"

There was a rush of excitement as Mark ran back into the delivery room. In just a matter of
minutes, I was going to be an uncle.

It was then that my father finally returned from the cafeteria and into the arms of my mother.

"Something's wrong, Al. What's wrong."
"It can wait. Right now, let's enjoy the birth of our grandchildren."

He kissed her in a way that I'd never seen him kiss her before. A couple minutes later, Mark ran out of the delivery room.

"How does he look?"

He ran back into the delivery room.

"Congratulations, Uncle Michael."
I smiled.

"Thank you, Aunt Melinda."

We kissed for the first time as an aunt and uncle.

"Don't forget about Uncle Darrin!"
Darrin and I hugged before looking at JT.

"Come here, Aunt JT!"

JT flipped Darrin off before joining our brotherly hug.

I looked at my father, the new grandfather, who nodded at me. Though I could see the uncertainty of his future in his eyes, the happiness in his face overruled any other emotion he could've been feeling.

"How is he?"
"HE...IS A SHE!!!"

JT jumped up and cheered. It was the happiest I had seen him all night.
In a timely manner, we all got to go meet the babies for the very first time.

"Everybody, I'd like you to meet the newest additions to the Maccabbi family. Meet Sammy and Rebecca Eisenberg."
She handed Sammy to me.

"Hi, Sammy."

He was so small. I knew from the minute that I first held him that we'd be pals for life.

"You know who you're named for, Sammy? You're named for your great-grandfather. He was an incredible guy, just like you."
Meanwhile, JT was bonding with Rebecca.
"And I'm gonna take you shopping, and to the theatre, and to get your nails done, and to buy your prom dress, and--"
"Isn't that the mother's job?"
I felt my phone vibrating, so I felt that it would be the perfect opportunity to hand my nephew to his grandfather.

"Sammy, meet your grandfather."
"Hey, Sammy. I'm your Grampa. Starting today, and forever, you and your sister are my superstars."

I looked at the Caller ID and saw that it was Ben.
"What's up, Ben?"
"Were the babies born yet?"
"They certainly were. Sammy and Rebecca."
"How are they?"
"They're awesome, Ben. So what's happening? How was the rest of prom?"
"I left after we got off the phone earlier."
"What? Why?"
"Because I got an even bigger phone call after we hung up."
"Okay. Who called?"
"I got in, Mac."
"I got into the Jerusalem University for American Students! I start at the beginning of summer!"
"Ben! That's incredible! Have you talked to Sam yet?"
"I'm gonna surprise her by coming out there after Convention. Just two short weeks!"
"That's great, Ben. I'm happy for you."
"Thanks. By the way, have you heard back from Nativ yet? Any day now, right?"
"I should be hearing back from them next week. Hopefully I'll be able to make my decision by then."
"Well, I support either decision you make."
"Thanks, man. Listen, I haven't held Rebecca yet, so I'll just see you on Monday."
"Sounds good, Mac. Talk to you later."

I went back into the recovery room and looked around at my family. At that moment, we were all the happiest we had ever been. It was the same case with me and Melinda, for we were a stronger couple than ever before. I saw her holding my neice and I knew that somehow, someway, we would have to last. It was at that moment that I realized that she would be the only one for me, for the rest of our lives.


Friday, May 7, 2010

A Senior Ditch Day in the Life of the Mac-Attack

For centuries upon centuries, there has been a grand tradition in the United States of America. This grand tradition always happens the Friday before Prom, and we like to refer to this right of passage as Senior Ditch Day!!!

I just knew that it would be the best Senior Ditch Day in the history of Senior Ditch Days. This was because for the first time in months, everything in my life was going great. My girlfriend Melinda and I had gotten back together, my sister Tara and her husband Mark were about to give life to my first nephews, and graduation was in 20 days! To quote a phrase from the lyrics of the #19 Bilboard Chart Song from 1986, "My Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades" by Timbuk3: Things are going great, and their only getting better!

Ben and I were sitting in our Economics class on Thursday, trying to decide how we would all spend the day we had been waiting for since the very first day of Freshman Year. Our 6'9, 400 pound teacher Mr. Bang, knew exactly what was up.

"Now, I want you guys to pay real close attention right now. I really want you guys to be at school tomorrow. We will be doing some important stuff and if you aren't here, I will be really disappointed."

Everybody stared at him.

"Guys, I'm kidding!"

We all laughed. Mr. Bang had easily become my favorite teacher this year.

"Okay, so since we are ditching, what should we do?"
"God, this would be a great weekend to go to California. The sun's out, and the beach is calling our names."
"Yes, but don't you have to go to pron with Melinda?"
"Well, that's the plan. We haven't had a real date since we decided to get back together. Prom was gonna be the first date."
"You guys got back together two weeks ago. If you haven't been going on dates, what have you been doing?"

This is what we had been doing:


And now, back to my conversation with Ben.

"You know, just hanging out."
"Hmm. Sounds boring."
"Not really."

Just then, the bell rang.

"Ben, I just got an idea!"
"Okay. Let's hear it."
"Okay, we get up really early tomorrow morning and we drive to California. We spend the day there and drive back Saturday morning. That gives us enough time to get back for prom."
"That's a great idea--one question."
"Do you really think Melinda is gonna wanna go to California?"
"Sure she will."

I was wrong. She didn't want to come to California.

"I don't wanna go to California, Michael."
"Why not? Hell, the weather's nice and it'd be a great way to spend Senior Ditch Day."
"Where would we even stay?"
"My grandma lives in Malibu, remember?"
"Oh, because she'd be okay with you being alone with some girl doing God-Knows-What in the next room."
"It wouldn't be the first time."

Melinda gave out a fake laugh.

"Come on, baby, when was the last time we did something crazy?"
"We got back together, didn't we?"
"Yes, yes we did. But I'm thinking we should put a little more adventure into our relationship."
"So can't we just role-play? I'll be Princess Leia and you can be Jabba the Hut!"
"In the gold bikini?"
"Of course."
"Maybe we can do that while we're in California!"
"You're not gonna let this go, are you?"
"Do I have to get on my knees and beg?"

There was no response, so I got on my knees and begged.

"Please, oh please, can we go to California, Melinda? Please, oh please, oh please???"
"Okay, fine."

I got back on my feet.

"You're lucky you're cute."

We kissed.

"Okay, so we're gonna be leaving real early. I'm thinking 5 AM."
"5 AM???"
"Gotta go. See you tomorrow. Love you, bye!"

I kissed her quickly and ran out.

At 5 AM the next morning, like I promised, Ben and I arrived at her house. To our surprise, she was actually ready to go.

"I get shotgun, right?"
"Of course."
"What about me?"
"My car, my girlfriend, my rules."
"Okay, fine."

Ben got into the back seat and we got on the road.

"God, I love this time of day. Nobody on the road, no traffic, everything is just so peaceful."
"It's so peaceful because everybody is sleeping, which is what I wish we were doing."
"We can sleep tonight when we're in the comfort of my grandma's house."
"I sure do miss your grandma, Mac. Hey, do you think she'll buy condoms for us again?"
"I already have some."

I winked at Melinda and she laughed.

"So, we're gonna get to Malibu around 9 AM approximately. What do we do when we get there?"
"Well, I called my grandma last night and she said breakfast will be ready for us when we get there. Get prepared, baby. I don't know if you've ever had my grandma's french toast."
"I haven't."
"Yeah, Mac's grandma is a great cook. Those two weeks that we were here last summer were awesome!"
"Yeah, it was a pretty great time."
"Hey, you wanna know what would be funny?"
"If we ran into Laura!"

It suddenly got quiet.

"Who's Laura?"
"She's nobody."

Laura Silverman was definitely somebody. Last summer, when my mind was all messed up and I decided on a whim to take a little trip to California, Laura was the girl who I spent most of my time with. I was extremely vulnerable when I first met her, but she had successfully gotten me to forget all my problems back in Phoenix. We ended on good terms, but I definitely didn't think about the prospect that I may run into her.

"Come on, who is she?"
"Mac's ex-girlfriend."
"She's not an ex-girlfriend."
"Then what is she?"
"Just a summer fling."
"Last summer?"
"Funny, you never said anything about her."
"There wasn't much to say."
"Melinda, it's not like it meant anything."

That was another lie. In just three short weeks, I had easily fallen for Laura. Now, it was probably because I was in such a fragile state when she found me, but I had fallen for her nonetheless. And while my feelings for her were completely gone, I was suddenly worried about what would happen if I were to see her again.

"Are you sure it meant nothing?"
"Yes. She was just a girl who I hung out with for a little while."
"But you slept with her."

This would've been a good time to lie again, but instead I took the high road.

"I did," I said quietly.

I found myself hitting myself in the head.

"Okay, I slept with her. I did. But I wasn't thinking straight throughout that entire time. I was so messed up from Convention that I was ready to do anything!"

To my surprise, Melinda didn't seem mad.

"You don't have to explain yourself, Michael. I mean, who am I to judge? I was so messed up that I got myself into a relationship with Aaron!"

She hit me playfully, and we were laughing again. I turned the volume of the stereo up and began blasting Elton John's "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road", my favorite all-time album. The epicness of the album helped make for an awesome car-ride for the rest of the way.

We got to my grandma's house at 9:15 AM. Her amazing french toast was waiting for us when we got there.

"Hello, my loves!"

All three of us were greeted warmly.

"Melinda! I'm so glad you're making an honest man out of my grandson again!"
"I try."

Melinda kissed me.

"Thanks for having us, Grandma. It's good to be back here."
"I'm just glad you are here. I thought I was gonna have to wait until graduation to see you!"
"Well, it's always nice to see you."
"Ben, you certainly have grown!"
"I have?"
"Now, all three of you can go inside. I've made up the guest rooms. You can put your things in there and we can all eat breakfast."
"Sounds great."

After we set our stuff down, we ate breakfast. It felt great to finally have food in my system after such a long drive.

"The weather is great outside if you kids wanna lay out on the beach."
"Hey, I have an idea. Why don't you come with us, Grandma?"
"Nah, my skin is too pasty. Plus, Days of Our Lives will be on shortly."
"Your loss, Grandma. First one to the beach is a rotten egg!"
"You guys go ahead. I'm gonna help Grandma clean up."
"You sure?"
"Yeah. I'll be out there afterwards, though."
"Okay, baby. Sounds good."

I kissed her and ran to my room to change into my swim trunks. Then Ben and I raced out the door and to the beach.

"Those boys sure do get crazy. Thanks for helping me clean up, Melinda."
"Oh, it's the least I could do. We just kinda showed up here."
"Michael said you guys have your senior ditch day today."
"Yes, and then prom is tomorrow night."
"Does my grandson have anything special planned?"
"To be honest, I have a feeling he's not really interested in going. Michael has never really been into that stuff, but he did ask me. It was his way of getting us back together."
"I can't even describe how happy I am that the two of you are back together, Melinda. You know, the happiest I have ever seen Michael is when the two of you were dancing at Tara's wedding."
"Oh yeah. And then when I found out that the two of you broke up, I was devastated, mostly because I felt like my grandson was being an idiot. But now you two are back together."
"We are."
"And you two seem happier than ever."
"We are. I really do love your grandson."
"And he loves you, which is why you two need to do yourselves a favor."
"Which is?"
"Don't break up this time. I was only in love once, Melinda, and I promise you that it doesn't get better than that. Michael's grandfather and I met on our first day of Junior High, and it took us until our freshman year of college to realize that we had something truly special. Sure, we broke up a few times throughout those years, but no matter what, we always came back to each other."

When Melinda came outside, Ben and I were messing around in the ocean. However, when I saw the smile on Melinda's face, I decided that I would call the wrestling match a draw and would go to my lady.

As soon as I approached her, I was met with a passionate kiss.

"Well, hello."
"I love you."
"I love you too. Hey, is everything okay?"
"Everything is perfect."

We kissed again.

"Mac Maccabbi???"

I turned around, and suddenly things didn't seem so perfect.


She ran to me and hugged me, almost pusing Melinda out of the way.

"It's been too long, Mac!"
"Uh, Laura, I'd like to to meet girlfriend."
"It's a pleasure, Laura. I've heard so much about you."
"Have you?"

Ben was now out of the water and was ready to participate in the awkward reunion.

"Hi, Ben!"
"Uh, how are you?"
"Great! What brings you guys to Malibu?"
"Senior Ditch Day. We figured the beach house would be romantic."
"Oh, it is. I'm sure Mac remembers."

Melinda suddenly looked very uncomfortable, and frankly, so did I.

"So, uh, I'm thinking we should go back to the house and help my grandma clean the kitchen."
"I already helped her."

I looked at Melinda, who was very obviously making a statement.

"We came to California to hang out on the beach. So we're gonna hang out on the beach."

It was an uncomfortable situation, and one that I wanted no part of.

"Can we talk, baby?"

She shot a look at Ben and Laura, signaling the two of them to scram.

"Laura, have you seen the waves today?"
"Um, yes, but I can take another look."

They walked away.

"It's obvious that you're uncomfortable, Melinda. I'm uncomfortable too. Let's just go inside."
"Michael, it was your idea to come to California today. So now you're gonna deal with it. I'm not going anywhere."

Ben and Laura came back.

"So, I was just telling Ben that there's gonna be a bonfire tonight. Remember that bonfire last summer, Mac?"

Maybe it was the humidity, but it was also the nervous situation that was making me sweat.

"Yes. I remember."
"Maybe you three can come. I mean, since you will be leaving tomorrow and all. When's the next time we can all see each other?"
"Is it dry out here?"
"We would love to come to the bonfire tonight."
"Sounds great. I'll see you guys tonight, then."

She began to walk away, but she turned around and winked.

"Bye, Mac."

And then I fainted.

Later, when we were back at the house, I talked to Ben about the situation while Melinda helped my Grandma make lunch.

"This was a bad idea, Ben."
"I knew we should've just gone to Castles&Coasters!"
"Melinda has got to be furious with me!"

"Michael has got to be furious with me!"
"I remember that Laura girl from this summer, but she holds no candle to you, my dear. You just remember that you were Michael's first love...his true love."
"Did something like this ever happen to you?"
"Oh, yes. It was the last day of our freshman year of college. Sam came and surprised me by picking me up. But before we left, we ran into a frat-boy who I had hooked up with a couple months before. Well, one thing led to another, and the two ended up competing for my affection. Sam won, of course, just like you'll win this time. You just gotta keep a strong head...and maybe show a little bit more affection than usual."

"Do you think we can convince Melinda that we don't have to go to the bonfire tonight?"
"She seemed pretty adamant on going, Mac-Attack."
"This is the worst Senior Ditch day ever!"

That night, the three of us headed down to the beach for what would be a very awkward evening.

"Mac, Ben, Melinda! So nice that you could be here...especially you, Mac."

I gulped.

"There's great food, great music, and a great sunset about to happen. So enjoy."

She was giving me a devious look, and I was thinking that Melinda picked up on that, especially when Melinda groped me and began passionately kissing me as soon as Laura was done talking.

"Trust me, Laura, we will enjoy ourselves."

I had never seen Melinda act this way. She was acting crazy, possessive, and as if she owned me...and I had never been more turned on by her.

"I gotta ask you something, baby."

"Okay, what's up?"
"You don't feel jealous, insecure, or threatened by Laura?"
"No. Why would I?"

I smiled.

"You know you're the only one, right?"
"Of course."

She kissed me again.

"Let's dance."

And we did just that. To be quite honest, we didn't see Laura for the rest of the evening, and I was perfectly fine with that. When we got back to my grandma's house, we made love, and it was the best sex we'd ever had. Once again, everything felt right with the world. All that mattered was that I was back together with the only girl I have ever truly loved.

We left at 10 AM, after having Grandma's french toast one more time. I said goodbye and headed out to the car, but Melinda stayed for a minute.

"So, it worked, didn't it?"

"It did."

"And don't think I didn't hear you two last night."

"Oh. Uh--"

"It's okay, dear. You're in love!"

"We really are."
"Remember what I told you yesterday: the love the two of you have is as good as it gets, so please, whatever you do, don't lose it."

I honked my horn.

"You best be going, deary. I'll see you in a couple weeks for graduation."

The two of them hugged.

"Thank you for everything, Grandma."

Melinda headed outside and entered the front seat.

"Are we ready to go?"

"We are."

"Then let's do it."

We got on the road, and six hours later, we were back in Phoenix. I drove Ben home first and then headed back to Melinda's house. It was 4:30 PM.

"I have to make a confession."

"What's up?"
"When you asked me if I was threatened by Laura, I lied. I was threatened by her. She's beautiful, seductive, and to be quite honest, I even found myself attracted to her!"
"So you were threatened by her. How about now?"
"When you told me that I'm the only one, did you mean it?"
"Of course I did."
"Then I'm not threatened by her, or anyone else for that matter. I love you and I know that what we have is better than anything anyone else has to offer."
"I feel the same way."

Suddenly, my phone began to ring.

"It's my dad. This will just take a sec."

I answered.

"Hi, Dad."

"Are you back in Phoenix?"


"Where are you?"

"I'm aout to drop Melinda off at her place."

"Okay, well, you need to get to the hospital. Tara's in labor."

"Oh my god. Okay, I'll be right there."

I hung up.

"What's going on?"

"I'm gonna be an uncle."

"She's in labor?"

"I gotta get to the hospital."

"I'm coming with you."

"But it's prom night. Don't you have to do your hair and nails and what not?"

"We can skip prom, Michael. I want us to be there for this."

I looked at my girlfriend and was truly amazed.

"Well, alright! Let's go to the hospital...Aunt Melinda."

We kissed and got back on the road, heading to the hospital where my sister was about to give life to my first nephews. They would be Melinda's first nephews too.

